Winters Residence

RESIDENCE SUMMER PHOTO For some of you Winters Residence will be your new home for the next eight months. Winters is organized into seven houses: Franquellin/ Logan House (1st floor); Tyrell and Jolliet Houses (2nd floor); Fleming and Stepphansson Houses (3rd floor); and Palliser and Dawson Houses (4th floor). Each house consists of a common room and kitchenette, and most houses are gender specific. Every floor also has two Dons, who are upper year students that work to support you and act as a resource person during your time in residence. The Residence Life Coordinator (RLC) is responsible for supervising the Dons, and for overseeing all aspects of Residence Life. They are also available as an additional resource for residents throughout the entire building.

Winters Residence is set up to afford students more opportunities than merely the convenience of living on campus. Your Residence Don, in collaboration with the Don of Leadership and Learning Opportunities (DLLO), develop numerous events and programs. Each evening, Night Porters are responsible for signing in all residence guests. Residence Council Volunteers and Night Porter positions will be available beginning September, giving students leadership opportunities and enhanced involvement in Winters Residence. Check out the Winters Residence 2019 – 2020 Facebook Group as well if you have already accepted a room offer in Winters!

Living in residence is a unique opportunity to get involved in the College and campus community through part-time jobs, and leadership opportunities, as well as a chance to get to know others with similar interests. To make the most of your Residence experience, we hope you’ll take advantage of all we have to offer.

If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact the Residence Life Coordinator for more information. We look forward to meeting you!


Taylor Morihovitis
Office: 119 Winters Residence
Tel: 416-736-2100 ext. 77091

Hello Residents of Winters,

I first want to welcome you to the vibrant community here at Winters. I hope that while you are here you will grow to call Winters and York University your second home. Residence is where you are encouraged to be yourself and grow as a person. I’ve worked in residences for many years and, I look forward to sharing my experiences with you to ensure you are as engaged and excited about Residence Life as I am.

As the RLC I oversee the residence community and assist you through your development at York. To help me with this are eight amazing student leaders called Dons. The Dons are here to help you transition into university life and become a strong and independent person, ready for the challenges that university can hold. Together we will work to ensure that Winters is a safe and inclusive space.

There will be many opportunities to become involved in residence or on campus, and I highly encourage you to make the most of your time here by getting involved! Whether through clubs, Residence Council, Intramurals and Athletics, or simply being an involved resident by attending events, be sure to continue to make the most of your time in Residence. I also recommend that you look over the Residence Handbook and the Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities as they are key tools in ensuring that your transition into living in residence is a smooth one.

Finally, I hope that you find your time here in Winters to be a rewarding and eye opening experience that helps you discover your true potential. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions. I look forward to meeting you!

– Taylor